Category Archives: Step 2: Dealing with Porn, Affairs & Sex

Specifics about Sexual Addiction

The Road from Sexual Addiction to True Intimacy

We’re only days away from Valentine’s Day—the celebration of love and romance. The stores are filled with hearts and flowers and candy. It seems like a big deal to a lot of folks, but it can sometimes be a confusing occasion for those struggling with sexual addiction. One year we noticed that Valentine’s Day was…

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The Secret to Gaining Control Over Your Life

    Since the day we were born our brains have been trying to figure out how this world works and where we fit in it. Even if we weren’t aware of what we were doing, we were constantly observing, listening, and pondering.       Out of those awarenesses we developed a set of beliefs that became…

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Why Can’t I Stop Acting Out?

Most of us have heard about someone that just decided to stop drinking, masturbating or some other compulsive behavior—and then succeeded to do so without ever looking back! It seemed so easy for them. And yet we keep struggling. We’ve promised. We’ve prayed. We’ve tried all manner of programs and techniques. And yet, in spite…

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Is it Love or is it Lust?

In this sexually-saturated society, it is becoming increasingly difficult to spot healthy sexuality and genuine love. It is being virtually eclipsed by a new type of sexuality—one that has little to do with loving and everything to do with lusting and being lusted after. It’s not enough to just be pretty anymore. The popular girls…

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Lost or just wandering?

“Not all those who wander are lost.” — J.R.R. Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring   It’s been an insane week . . . but we’re definitely not lost! We’ll be back SOON  with those practical steps to help reverse the devastating spiral of shame’s destruction that we promised you earlier this week, before things…

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