Category Archives: Step 2: Dealing with Porn, Affairs & Sex

Specifics about Sexual Addiction

Collateral Damage

Sexual addiction hurts everyone it touches—not just the addict themselves. I once heard someone compare sexual addiction to a devastating car accident. The husband may have been the one in the driver’s seat. He may have made the choices that caused the collision, but he is seldom the only one that is injured in the…

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Life and Joy

Every time we start a new sexual addiction recovery group we are reminded anew of the heartbreak of addiction. Just minutes into the first session we usually pose the question, “Why is this a good time for you to start looking at this issue in a deeper way?” The stories that follow are gut-wrenching. Participants…

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The Only Way Out

Addiction is unique in that it is all about choices and yet it takes our choices away. This is the part of addiction that is most difficult for others to understand. They don’t get why an addict doesn’t just stop their bad behaviors. Initially the person does make the choice to get lost in pornography…

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The Curse of Chaos

Our society is becoming increasingly chaotic. Deadlines and demands abound. Have you tried recently to schedule a dinner with a group of friends? This seemingly simple task is proof of how out-of-control our lives have become. Sorting through everyone’s overbooked schedules to find a couple of free hours that accommodate everyone often seems nearly impossible.…

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Porn: The Marriage Killer

I ran across a statistic this week that has been haunting me: The American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers reports that 56% of divorces involve one party having an obsessive interest in pornographic websites. This is not new information. It was originally brought to light nearly TEN years ago. And sadly, all indications are that this…

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