Is it Love or is it Lust?

In this sexually-saturated society, it is becoming increasingly difficult to spot healthy sexuality and genuine love. It is being virtually eclipsed by a new type of sexuality—one that has little to do with loving and everything to do with lusting and being lusted after.

It’s not enough to just be pretty anymore. The popular girls are the “hot” ones, the sexy ones, the sensual ones. I don’t remember the last time I saw a photograph of a teen age girl or young woman that didn’t have pouty lips, skin tight clothes, deep cleavage, and a seductive pose. Photos that would have once been considered sleezy and relegated to pin-up calendars or “dirty” magazines are now finding their way into family albums and school annuals.

But don’t think for a minute that this is just a girl’s problem. They aren’t the only culprits. Check out the comments that average Joes post about attractive celebrities or the cute  girl next door.  I, for one, really don’t need the crass details about what they want to do or how they want to do it. It’s downright disrespectful and I can’t understand why, in a society that seems to be offended by everything these days, there is such a tolerance for the crude and the rude.

I may have been kicking around this earth for more than a few decades, but I’m no prude — I was raised in the midst of the “sexual revolution” after all. But nevertheless, I often find myself feeling nauseated these days by the blatant type of sexuality that is permeating the media and even our daily lives. There seems to be a total disregard for gentle and respectful love. It has been replaced by “street talk” and sultry behaviors of the most demeaning kind.

What part has pornography played in this downward spiral? What role has it filled in Satan’s plan to de-sensitize us so we can’t see how far from God’s plan for love and sexuality that we’ve wandered?

It is already suggested that 25-35% of Christians struggle with sexual compulsions. If this muddled definition of sexuality continues or even grows, how many more will be caught in this web of destruction in the next decade?

True love isn’t about “getting some” . . . it’s about blessing “them” and nurturing “us, as a couple” Its main thought is “what does the other person need.” What would be beneficial for them and our relationship? What would honor God and each other?”

Lust, on the other hand is all about ME with little thought of the other person or what’s in their best interest. Its all about what I want; what Ive decided I “need” and what I have convinced myself I’m entitled to.

You can tell that someone is finding sexual healing when they are finally able to stop focusing solely on what they want and start noticing that there is someone else in the room that has wants and needs and rights as well.

To become sexually healthy, a person must learn how to love well, expose secrets, be satisfied and grateful for all the blessings they have received and begin to cultivate relationships that give them a moral lift. Admitting to God that we don’t know how to do any of it on our own and need help is the first step on that journey.

But among you there must not be even a hint of sexual immorality, or of any kind of impurity, or of greed, because these are improper for God’s holy people. —Ephesians 5:3

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