Category Archives: Step 1: Understanding Addiction

General information pertinent to all addictions

Risking to Receive

Many of us decided early in our life that having needs were dangerous. In the past our needs and desires may have been used against us; criticized as sinful or inappropriate; or seen as a sign of weakness or a cause for punishment. Others of us may have had even our most basic needs ridiculed…

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What’s Shame Got to Do With It?

Shame is, without a doubt, one of the biggest roadblocks in sexual addiction recovery. There is a constructive shame. It’s OK to feel ashamed when you keep doing the same things time and time again, even though you promised yourself you wouldn’t. It’s OK to feel bad about cover-ups and lies. It’s OK to feel…

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It’s Available!

We are thrilled to announce that our book, Now Choose Life! is finally finished and available on! Through poignant glimpses into Bruce’s thirty-year battle with sexual addiction, woven together with easy-to-understand professional commentary, Now Choose Life! dispels the rampant myths and misconceptions about this little understood addiction and provides indispensable information, empowering hope and…

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From Pain to Gain

Now, I don’t usually go around quoting movie stars, but every once in a while they say something that deserves repeating. A few weeks ago when I was sick and surfing the internet, I ran across something that Drew Barrymore said, that I really resonated with: “Life is very interesting . . . in the…

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How can you be sure it’s REALLY an Addiction?


Addiction is ugly. Just speaking the word brings up all kinds of dark and desperate images. It’s no wonder people balk at admitting the intensity of their struggle. Nobody wants to be known as an ADDICT. The resistance seems even stronger if their personal battle happens to be with sexual behaviors. WHY DOES IT MATTER?…

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