Category Archives: Step 1: Understanding Addiction

General information pertinent to all addictions

The Secret to Winning Over Sexual Addiction

Addiction recovery is seldom smooth and easy. Even in recovery, most of you have probably encountered a few rough patches or even a “slip” or two. It is our heartfelt prayer that you won’t give up, even though it may get difficult at times. There were many periods over the years that Bruce would become…

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Addicted by Accident

The famous baseball catcher, outfielder and manager, Yogi Berra was credited with saying “if you don’t know where you’re going, you will end up somewhere else.” Nowhere in life is that statement more true than with addiction. No one starts out seeking to be an out-of-control addict. No one yearns to feel the shame and…

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Sexual Addiction Kills

We are well aware of the dangers of SOME addictions. It is reported that nearly 12,000 people died in alcohol related traffic deaths: 33,000 in drug overdoses and over 440,000 in smoking related deaths in the U.S. in 2009 alone. The risks are obvious. We get it. But what about sexual addiction? It’s different .…

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Blame: The Protector of Addiction

In addition to working with Life More Abundant Network, Bruce has been a chemical dependency counselor for many years. He often says that one of the main signs that tell him an addict is getting healthier, is that they stop blaming. Blaming, along with denial, lying, minimizing, rationalizing and anger are usually evident in any…

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Is it a Habit or a Disease?

Healing or Habit

Is sexual addiction a disease that needs to be healed or a habit that needs to be broken? It’s an important question that demands consideration. Why do we need to know? Without understanding what we are actually dealing with it’s impossible to find release from its insidious control. Should we be seeking God’s healing .…

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