From Pain to Gain

Now, I don’t usually go around quoting movie stars, but every once in a while they say something that deserves repeating. A few weeks ago when I was sick and surfing the internet, I ran across something that Drew Barrymore said, that I really resonated with:

“Life is very interesting . . . in the end, some of your greatest pains, become your greatest strengths.”                     — Drew Barrymore

This has certainly been my experience, and that of my husband. When you’re in the middle of the pain, it is hard to see any benefit coming out of it . . .  but when you get to the other side, you often realize that that experience has changed you in a very good way.

Bruce’s recovery journey was long and difficult, but it has brought him immeasurable blessings. Not only, is he free from the grip of pornography and his escalating behaviors, but he is physically healthier, less depressed, and has better, deeper relationships with God and others. He is finally feeling comfortable in his own skin and less of a victim, and his past battle has given him an understanding and empathy that allows him help others that are struggling in the same way he used to struggle. All that pain for all this gain—God orchestrated a pretty good trade, don’t you think? Bruce’s greatest pain has, indeed, brought forth his greatest strengths.

The best part? God is more than able and willing to do it for YOU, as well!

“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”—Romans 8:28

1 Comment

  • Sherry

    Reply Reply March 29, 2013

    This is a very touching post that I will share with others. Knowing both of you really brings this home. Having been a part of your program and seeing, experiencing the work you both do is amazing. Now you know me well enough to know I don’t flatter often, and only when I mean it, your blog is a Blessing in my life. Your writing and work is going out through the internet reaching so many more, thousands possible millions later as people find you though this blog and your writing.. I’m very excited about your soon to be released book and I am looking forward to reading it. Please keep doing your writing and reaching out to all of us. Love and Best Wishes,

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