Category Archives: Step 1: Understanding Addiction

General information pertinent to all addictions

Sexual Anorexia?

Q. Our problem is different—we don’t have sex. It doesn’t feel right, but I guess we can eliminate sexual addiction as the root cause since there is no sex . . . right? A. Wrong. Consider the fact that there are two main types of inappropriate relationships with food: one is bulimia (overeating/purging); the other…

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Just Boys Being Boys?

Today’s blog post is another excerpt from When Sex Causes Heartbreak – What every wife needs to know about affairs, pornography and the sexless marriage due out late this Fall. Q. When I try to confide in my friend she says things like “boys will be boys,”  “men are more sexual” and “men need variety—they…

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Walk a mile in a sex addict’s shoes?

We’ve all heard some variation of the quote that suggests we need to “walk a mile in another person’s shoes.” It has been quoted (and misquoted) so many times, it’s impossible to even determine what the original quote was, or where it came from. Some insist it is an old Cherokee saying, some credit it…

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Good News for both Struggler and Spouse

Escalating addictive behaviors often bring new fears—for both the struggler and their spouse. Many wives have come to us expressing deep concern about their personal safety. They feel they no longer know this man they married. They never, even in their wildest dreams, could have believed that he was capable of the type of activities…

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Lasting Freedom

For most of us Independence Day brings to mind a strange mix of thoughts about picnics, fireworks and patriotism, autonomy, and the sacrifice of all who have fought to gain and preserve our freedoms. As a country it’s the day we celebrate the July 4, 1776 adoption of the Declaration of Independence that proclaimed our…

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