Category Archives: Step 5: Rebuilding Life & Relationships

Reclaiming what the enemy tried to destroy

You CAN Take Back What Addiction Has Stolen From You

Addictive behavior is governed by the rule of diminishing returns. That means that, as time goes by, it takes more and more of a behavior or a riskier behavior to get the same “high” or feeling of relief. Little by little, as the behaviors escalate, the addiction begins to take over our life. Almost like…

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It’s NOT too late!

Just because the past didn’t turn out like you wanted it to, doesn’t mean your future can’t be better than you ever imagined.  — Unknown No one plans to become addicted . . . but many do. No one asks to be born into a dysfunctional family . . . but many are. No one…

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Why Do Addicts Lie?

Lying is a universal issue in all addictions. Addicts lie because, as strange as it may seem, they have grown to rely on the addiction to cope with life. When they stumbled upon this “answer” that distracts, calms and normalizes, they stopped seeking or learning other healthier ways to cope with the normal stresses and…

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Roadblocks and Risks

“Recovery is learning to trust again” If learning to trust and build meaningful relationships is so essential to becoming a truly healthy person, why do we find it so difficult? Why do we go to such great lengths to avoid the close relationships that, deep down, we actually yearn for? (see Filling the Empty Places).…

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Filling the Empty Places

There’s a war raging inside of many of us. We yearn to have intimate friends in our lives and yet we fear letting people get too close to us. We suspect that if they really knew us, they would reject us. It’s happened before. We’re afraid that if we let them know about our vulnerabilities…

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