Category Archives: Step 5: Rebuilding Life & Relationships

Reclaiming what the enemy tried to destroy

Reclaiming Ourselves

“It’s never too late to be what you might have been.” — George Eliot (1818-1880) George Eliot was an English novelist in the 1800s. Interestingly enough, “George” was actually a woman—Mary Ann Evans—who believed that during the time she lived she had to use a male pen name to have her writing taken seriously. But,…

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You Can Have a Better Life!

Have you ever felt like you’ve been dealt a particularly bad hand in the game of life and now you’re stuck with it? If we haven’t exactly been handed a bed of roses, it’s easy to begin feeling like a victim. We may not even realize that we don’t have to just roll over and…

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Wives ask . . . Shouldn’t he tell me EVERYTHING?

Today’s post is an excerpt from our book for the wives of sex addicts. Q. There’s a part of me that is desperate to hear all the details about what my husband has done in his sexual addiction. As his wife, don’t I have the right to know what he’s been doing? A. Although it…

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Better or Worse? Are You Measuring Up?

At some point, nearly all of us have attempted to find the best deal on a new computer. I, for one, have always found it to be a frustrating endeavor. It’s nearly impossible to compare one to another, because no two are exactly alike. Even the same model in different stores will have slightly different…

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End the Demand for Sex Trafficking

What an interesting weekend. Saturday morning my husband and I were invited to display information about our sexual addiction recovery ministry at a local End the Demand forum presented by the Whatcom Coalition Against Trafficking. I had met the leader of the Coalition only the weekend before at a woman’s retreat. When she found out…

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