Category Archives: Step 1: Understanding Addiction

General information pertinent to all addictions

Reading Reprise

“Books won’t heal you, but they can encourage you in your recovery journey.” Sometimes we get the idea that if we can just read enough and understand enough, our struggle will disappear. Well, the truth is, NO book can heal us. Only God can effectively minister to our wounds and the fears and pain they…

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Isolation and Relapse

“Isolation is the most prevalent common denominator in all relapse” It is impossible to talk about recovery from any addiction without talking about isolation. Isolation is a key component to acting out—in whatever form that acting out takes. In fact, it has been said that “all relapse leads to isolation and all isolation leads to…

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Read More About It . . .

There are many books on the market about sexual addiction. Unfortunately, most of them focus on treating the symptoms of the struggle (such as lust or sin) and not the underlying causes. Others use shame as a means to facilitate behavioral change. Neither of these strategies are effective in bringing about permanent transformation. Only the…

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Are They Just “Bad” Guys?

The news was all a-buzz this week with the story of ESPN Baseball Analyst Steve Phillips and the consequences he is encountering as a result of his admission of an affair with a young production assistant. Reports say that he has been fired from his job and is admitting himself to rehab for sexual addiction…

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