Thoughts to help you break out of discouragement and shame
Now, I don’t usually go around quoting movie stars, but every once in a while they say something that deserves repeating. A few weeks ago when I was sick and surfing the internet, I ran across something that Drew Barrymore said, that I really resonated with: “Life is very interesting . . . in the…
Failure is not the end. There is a tendency to see recovery as a pass or fail exercise. We often look at it as if there are only two outcomes: we are either 100% successful or 100% a failure. In truth, there are many more shades of gray in recovery than that black and white…
“Healing” sounds pleasant. We envision just going about our business as, over time (hopefully quickly), the wound closes, the resulting scar lightens and voila!, before we know it, we’re back to normal. If we’re one of the lucky ones, we might even receive an instantaneous healing from God. You know the kind. One minute you…
Yep! You ARE in the right place! We’ve been busy behind the scenes updating the blog. Initially we think you’ll find this new layout simply more visually pleasing and easier to navigate. We’ll be adding a number of other helpful features in the weeks and months to come. We invite you take a look at…
The Ding Dong Principle A couple of weeks ago in the post The Power of “I Can’t”, I shared a passage from Corrie ten Boom’s book, Tramp for the Lord. This book has been such an inspiration to me that I just can’t resist sharing just one more of Corrie’s illustrations with you that many…
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