Category Archives: Today’s Encouragement

Thoughts to help you break out of discouragement and shame

The Curse of Chaos

Our society is becoming increasingly chaotic. Deadlines and demands abound. Have you tried recently to schedule a dinner with a group of friends? This seemingly simple task is proof of how out-of-control our lives have become. Sorting through everyone’s overbooked schedules to find a couple of free hours that accommodate everyone often seems nearly impossible.…

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Where are you God? My boat is sinking!

Today the sun happens to be glistening on peaceful waters, but it isn’t always the case. Many days the wind is blowing, the clouds are dark and the water is churning so angrily, that the idea of setting sail on it would seem like sheer insanity. We all have times when our lives feel the…

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What’s Wrong With Me?

Several of the participants in our recovery groups have recently expressed their frustration with the ups and downs of recovery. The common theme has been something like “Why does this have to be so hard. Why doesn’t God just take it away when I pray?”, “I don’t get the point of all this struggle. What’s…

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Porn: The Marriage Killer

I ran across a statistic this week that has been haunting me: The American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers reports that 56% of divorces involve one party having an obsessive interest in pornographic websites. This is not new information. It was originally brought to light nearly TEN years ago. And sadly, all indications are that this…

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The Secret to Winning Over Sexual Addiction

Addiction recovery is seldom smooth and easy. Even in recovery, most of you have probably encountered a few rough patches or even a “slip” or two. It is our heartfelt prayer that you won’t give up, even though it may get difficult at times. There were many periods over the years that Bruce would become…

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