Some Days Are Harder than Others!

But it only means . .  . some days are harder than others!

It’s true in blogging. 
Some days the words just flow. Other days, not so much. This is one of those days. TodayI’ve been sitting in front of a nearly blank screen for more hours than I care to admit. I can’t even count how many times I’ve started frantically typing something, only to erase everything I wrote just a few short minutes later. I’m having a hard time staying focused. So many other things are wrestling for my attention today. I know what I want to do . . . but I keep doing everything else. 

Isn’t that a lot like recovery
Some days you feel strong and confident. You know that with God‘s help you can beat this thing. You feel close to Jesus. You feel right on track. You’re amazed by all that God is doing in your life. Things are looking up. And then there are other days . . . bleak days . . . when you wonder whether there‘s any hope at all. You don’t feel like you have what it takes. Your prayers are bouncing off the ceiling and you wonder where God took off to. You know what you want to do—need to do—but you keep doing everything else. 

The honest truth is, the way we’re feeling today doesn’t really change a thing. The world is still the same even if our mood or focus is experiencing an up or a down. 

God still loves us even if we don’t feel it. His Word is still true even if we can’t hear it. He still has a plan for our lives, which he insists is GOOD, even when we can’t see it! 

I am so grateful today, that even though I’m not always consistent, our Lord and Savior IS!  We are in such good hands!

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever” — Hebrews 13:8

1 Comment

  • Sherry Irene

    Reply Reply February 8, 2013

    I was smiling all through your post as I read it. It's so true. You described my down days completely in very real and easy to understand verbiage that put a smile on my face 🙂

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