Hope for Tomorrow

Maybe you’ve heard the dismal statistics relating to sexual addiction recovery. Maybe people you trust have told you that a person can never FULLY be free from this addiction. Maybe you’ve failed at your attempts to turn away from pornography or get a rein on your fantasies so many times that you’re becoming convinced that…

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Good News for both Struggler and Spouse

Escalating addictive behaviors often bring new fears—for both the struggler and their spouse. Many wives have come to us expressing deep concern about their personal safety. They feel they no longer know this man they married. They never, even in their wildest dreams, could have believed that he was capable of the type of activities…

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Lasting Freedom

For most of us Independence Day brings to mind a strange mix of thoughts about picnics, fireworks and patriotism, autonomy, and the sacrifice of all who have fought to gain and preserve our freedoms. As a country it’s the day we celebrate the July 4, 1776 adoption of the Declaration of Independence that proclaimed our…

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Life and Joy

Every time we start a new sexual addiction recovery group we are reminded anew of the heartbreak of addiction. Just minutes into the first session we usually pose the question, “Why is this a good time for you to start looking at this issue in a deeper way?” The stories that follow are gut-wrenching. Participants…

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Using Your Senses: Putting Off Double-mindedness

In a way, we are all double-minded and God, himself, created us that way. He didn’t do it to confuse us or tempt us, but because he loved us so much he wanted us to survive. We all know about the cognitive “thinking” part of our brain where our morals, values and reasoning skills are…

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