A Very Present Help
“When you’ve done everything you can do, that’s when God will step in and do what you can’t do” —2 Corinthians 12:10 This popular paraphrase of a passage in 2 Corinthians is plastered all over the internet. It has some wonderful truth in it: God has our best interest at heart.…
Can Trust be Restored after Porn?
We’ve probably all heard sermons and marriage seminars talk about the respect and love passage in Ephesians 5:33, but the quandary is how to live by those words when a husband is involved in the unrespectable behaviors of sexual addiction and, because of them, his wife feels anything but loved? And . . . why…
The Two Roads of Pain
Those struggling with compulsive sexual behaviors have only two choices and both of them involve pain: 1. We can continue acting out with the realization that using sex to meet our deep internal needs leads to increasingly destructive behavior. Moreover, it progressively damages our ability to function in personal relationships and grow spiritually in our…
Walk a mile in a sex addict’s shoes?
We’ve all heard some variation of the quote that suggests we need to “walk a mile in another person’s shoes.” It has been quoted (and misquoted) so many times, it’s impossible to even determine what the original quote was, or where it came from. Some insist it is an old Cherokee saying, some credit it…
Warning sign #3: Entitlement
The final common indicator that we’re moving toward a relapse—entitlement—is, without a doubt, the most perilous. Even though, as discussed in the last two posts, the isolation that comes from reduced accountability and the old thought patterns that our secrets reawaken certainly put us in risky territory, entitlement is the chute that is most likely…