You CAN Take Back What Addiction Has Stolen From You
Addictive behavior is governed by the rule of diminishing returns. That means that, as time goes by, it takes more and more of a behavior or a riskier behavior to get the same “high” or feeling of relief. Little by little, as the behaviors escalate, the addiction begins to take over our life. Almost like…
Women Can Struggle with Sexual Addiction, Too
Sexual addiction is not just a men’s problem. It’s estimated that a minimum of 15-20% of all women struggle with sexual addiction—even in the Christian community—and it appears that that number is on the rise. Statistics show that nearly one third of the visitors to pornographic websites are women. Others act out in a variety…
Side-stepping Discouragement and Depression
It’s easy to get discouraged. Life can be difficult—especially when we’re struggling to get free of an addiction or trying to make significant changes or course corrections in our life. So much of our time seems to be spent in high-alert, trying not to follow old patterns, looking for healthier alternatives, attempting to deal with…
The #1 Key to Stopping Your Addiction Forever
If you’re really serious about changing your behaviors, there is one very important question that demands an answer: “why do I keep doing what I tell myself I’m not going to do?” There IS a reason. No one risks all the potential negative consequences for nothing. Don’t let anyone tell you it’s simply because you’re…
The Choice for Recovery
No matter where you are in your recovery journey, you have a choice to make each morning. Which path will you choose for the next 24 hours? Will you move toward taking the risks and enduring the discomfort that ultimately leads to an abundant life, or will you choose to entertain the shame and isolation…