Squashing Frustration

Are you frustrated? Does it feel like you’ll never “get it?” Does freedom feel like an elusive dream? Do you sometimes wonder if you even have what it takes? In our increasingly instant world, we tend to want everything NOW! We have little patience for things that take an extended period of time or require…

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Where’s the Line?

In pursuing sobriety of any kind, one of the most ominous tasks we face is learning how to do life with healthier insights, choices and behaviors. In early recovery, as we are still trying to understand what those are, it is not unusual to unintentionally cross over “the line” and end up repeating the same…

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An Elephant in the Room

Many couples are tip-toeing around an elephant in their marriage. It’s big. It doesn’t belong there. But nobody’s talking about what it is or what to do about it. That elephant is sexual addiction. Even before it is seen and named, most wives already sense that there is an invisible wedge growing between her and…

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Why Am I So Tempted?

Are struggles with porn or other compulsive sexual behaviors society’s fault? Admittedly, much of our culture has become overtly sexual. The majority of television commercials are packed with sexual innuendos; most men’s health, body building, and even car magazines look like soft-core porn; and women seem to be flaunting shorter skirts, tighter tops and deeper…

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More than We Deserve

Lately I’ve been thinking a lot about grace . . . you know, as in “God’s grace is sufficient” . . . but what exactly is grace? I know it when I see it. I have definitely received grace. But how do you describe it? GRACE Even though it isn’t always the best theological resource,…

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