Little Things Matter

What’s your goal? To get closer to God? To gain freedom from an addiction? To lose weight? To become a better, kinder person?

It’s nearly impossible to stay in one spot for very long. Either we’re moving toward our goal or we’re moving away from it. It totally depends on which direction our thoughts and actions take us.

Everything we do nudges us a little bit closer, or a little bit farther away. That little peek, or that small sip, may not be a big deal, but when combined with all the other “little things” they can ultimately carry you far from where you intended to go.

One single step doesn’t seem like much . . . but add it to 2,000 other steps and you’ve walked a mile. Will it be a mile closer to where you wanted to be or a mile out of your way?

Little steps and little choices can eventually get us where we want to go . . . but the wrong little steps and little choices will take us even farther away.

The Lord makes firm the steps of the one who delights in him.—Psalm 37:23

Image courtesy of graur codrin at

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