Finding Satisfaction

Wow! Where has this week gone? I feel like I’m chasing myself. It’s been a crazy blur of obligations and interruptions. Because it’s been so chaotic, I’ve let myself ignore a lot of things that are important to my well-being. I haven’t been eating that great, I haven’t been doing the exercises that help my bum knee stay flexible and reduce the pain, and piles of clutter are starting to accumulate around the house that add to my general out-of-control mentality. It’s all making me feel anxious and unhappy.

Whenever we let situations, fear or complacency get in the way of doing what we know is right, we suffer needlessly. When we choose other ways to deal with issues other than head-on, we delay the satisfaction with life that could be ours.  Nowhere is this more true than with addiction. We know in our hearts what we need to do. We know what is right. But, when we let excuses for not doing those things creep in, we are really making a choice to remain in the addictive world of anxiety, shame and self-loathing.

One of the biggest challenges in recovery is learning how to deal with the stresses, injustices and disappointments in life in a way other than running to our addictive behaviors to help us forget and to momentarily comfort us. As much as we want to believe it can, the addiction will never satisfy us. No matter how much acting out we do, it will never be enough. We will always need more to get us over the next speed bump in life.

In all truth, there will never be a “perfect” time to do recovery. There will never be a time in our lives when everything is ideal—when there is no stress at work; no problems at home; no busy schedule; no pressure. Nope! If we insist on waiting for that day to arrive, we will never see the satisfaction we desire.

No matter what’s going on, NOW is the best time to jump in, push forward, dig deeper. Don’t let situations and excuses rob you of the peace and joy that can be yours. It won’t always be an easy journey, but you can take comfort in knowing that you are at least headed in the right direction.

So let’s hang up the excuses and go do what we know we need to do!

“Jesus said, “No procrastination. No  backward looks. You can’t put God’s kingdom off till tomorrow. Seize the day.” — Luke 9:62 (The Message)




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