Change IS Happening!

It seems like just a few short weeks ago, we were enjoying the last breaths of summer. Our thoughts were on having one more picnic . . . one more trip to the beach . . .  one more frosty glass of ice tea.

But this week things are different. It definitely feels like Fall. There’s a nip in the air, the sun is lower in the sky and casting a different kind of light, and the weatherman has begun to speculate about when we’ll see the first frost. It seems like this metamorphosis has happened practically overnight, but in reality, it’s been creeping toward us for weeks. Most of us were just too busy to even notice.

It was good to stop for a few minutes this morning and let it sink in. Fall is here. Winter is coming. Things are ever changing. But, in my time of reflection, I also realized that the same God that has been quietly turning the leaves from green to gold and orange and red is also changing me. I’m not the same person I was a year or even a season ago.

He’s teaching me how to connect better with people, He’s teaching me how to resolve the issues in my life in healthier ways so I’m not so inclined to seek out unhealthy ways to numb out. He’s providing strength and understanding where I previously had none.

And . . . I know, he’s changing you as well. It may not feel like it at times, but everything in this world is fluid. The tides, the cycles of the sun and moon, growth and death. Nothing stays the same for very long. Even on the days we feel the most frustrated and stuck, God is still helping us grow and change. The change may be so subtle that we aren’t even aware that things are different but, in time, as we look back, we realize that God has been there all along, nudging us in the way we needed to go.

“. . . he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.” — Philippians 1:6

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