Category Archives: Step 1: Understanding Addiction

General information pertinent to all addictions

Is Sexual Addiction Real?

There has been a significant amount of debate in recent years about whether sexual addiction is a “real” addiction. Clearly, not all inappropriate sexual behavior is indicative of sexual addiction. Having an affair or occasionally using pornography does not automatically classify someone as a sexual addiction. But, what about those who seem totally out of…

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The Dawning of Freedom

Here in Washington State, this time of the year seems to have an extra dose of darkness. Not only are we nearing the shortest day of the  year—the one with the least daylight hours—but the rain clouds are perpetually blocking out most of the light we could still be enjoying. It’s cold, dark . .…

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The Trouble with Secrets

You may have heard the popular recovery phrase, “We’re as sick as our secrets.” But, have you ever really thought about what it means? Secrets aren’t always big deals . . . like having a child out of wedlock or murdering your neighbor. Often they are little untruths, like saying you’re fine . . .…

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Getting Choice Back

When we feel threatened either physically or emotionally, the “survival” part of our brain activates an automatic fight, flight, freeze response. It shuts down our cognitive reasoning brain and prepares our body to fight, flee or hunker down. Our heart rate and blood pressure increases, hearing and vision becomes more acute, and blood is directed…

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The Hidden Issue

One of our main survival responses is anger. Anger makes us feel powerful and in control but, unfortunately, it’s only an illusion. In reality, anger is what is called a secondary emotion. It covers up what we are really feeling. More often than not, if we dig deep down into our soul we will  find…

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