Category Archives: Step 4: Risking, Growing & Finding Support

Tips on how to build a strong support network and why it’s essential

Get Off the Slide!

The other day I had “one of those days.” It didn’t start out well and it seemed to get worse and worse as the day progressed. Things broke. Interruptions happened. Everything I tried to do took twice as long as it should have. Numerous times during the day it crossed my mind that I should…

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Beware! Slippery Slope

Hmmmm . . . it appears that Bruce and I need to start thinking about setting aside a Saturday to clean out the garage, again! At least once a year we look at each other and say “it’s time” — time to tackle the wall-to-wall chaos of the garage. Without fail, we look around and…

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Stomp Out Stress

I’ve come to the conclusion that procrastination is likely the single largest source of stress in my life. I’m far from lazy, in fact I have the reputation of being “all work and no play.” I usually enjoy the challenge of a big project, but when I’m unsure of myself;  don’t know exactly what I’m…

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The 5 Traits of Someone You Can Trust

In a hurry? Click here to download the pdf version to read later One of the most important aspects of recovery is learning to trust again. Addiction is often the by-product of broken trust. Somewhere along the way most of us learned it wasn’t safe to trust. For whatever reason, the people that should have…

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The Power of Surrender

Surrender . . . It seems like the easy way out. Just give up. Quit fighting. Cry “uncle.” It sounds simple. But, is it a good thing? Wouldn’t it be more noble to hang in there and fight to the death? Isn’t surrendering the same thing as admitting that you can’t cut it? The dictionary…

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