Category Archives: Today’s Encouragement

Thoughts to help you break out of discouragement and shame

I’m SO glad you’re here!

A hearty welcome to all my readers! I am SO glad you’ve stopped by Choosing Life, Finding Freedom  today! It’s been a little over a year since I first started this blog, and I guess I’m waxing a little nostalgic. Some of you have been with me since the beginning, many others only weeks or…

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The Antidote for Condemnation

Condemnation. It’s ugly. The dictionary defines it as “the expression of very strong disapproval; censure, harsh criticism, vilification.” Even the definition sounds nasty. We fear condemnation from others, and yet, so often, we so willingly condemn ourselves. We look at our mistakes and failures and see no hope. We become our own judge and jury.…

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The Road to Peace

It seems like almost everyone I know —both family AND friends—are facing huge struggles right now. Some of them are having catastrophic monetary problems, others are battling severe health issues, and the rest of them are just plain overwhelmed and exhausted from the steady onslaught of disappointments and chaos that have plagued their lives in…

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Side-stepping Discouragement and Depression

It’s easy to get discouraged. Life can be difficult—especially when we’re struggling to get free of an addiction or trying to make  significant changes or course corrections in our life. So much of our time seems to be spent in high-alert, trying not to follow old patterns, looking for healthier alternatives, attempting to deal with…

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The Choice for Recovery

No matter where you are in your recovery journey, you have a choice to make each morning. Which path will you choose for the next 24 hours? Will you move toward taking the risks and enduring the discomfort that ultimately leads to an abundant life, or will you choose to entertain the shame and isolation…

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