More Than You Can Handle?

Sometimes we hear untruths repeated so many times that we begin to believe that they are true. It can happen in our own lives when someone continually tells us we are stupid or lazy or worthless. If we hear it often enough we begin to accept it as truth. It also happens in the Christian…

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Wounded, Not Flawed

Brokenness and wounds manifest themselves in many ways in our lives . . . anger, bitterness, self-pity, blame, low self-esteem, an inability to get close to people, feeling the need to be perfect, as well as excesses and addictions of all kinds. Often we have been led to believe that these “flaws” are just the…

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The Power of a Thought

“Do not think that what your thoughts dwell on does not matter. Your thoughts are making you.” — Bishop Steere (1828-1882) We seldom take the time to consider just how important our thought life really is. Oh, yeah, we sometimes try to guard from lustful or evil thoughts or make attempts to be more positive,…

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What We Never Learned

My 11-year old granddaughter is a reading/writing whiz, but she definitely doesn’t have one of those natural math minds. The concepts are hard for her. Retaining them is even harder. Since she has been getting further and further behind, her mom and I decided that it was time for some “summer school” to help her…

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4 Steps to Getting Free!

You may have heard people say “once an addict, always an addict.” They believe that, although someone may be able to learn techniques to manage an addiction most of the time, it will always be there waiting for an opportunity to gain control once again. They haven’t yet discovered these four steps that lead to…

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