YOUR Story May Hold the Missing Piece!

Perhaps you’ve seen this encouraging bit of prose as you’ve wandered on the web:

God can turn

a MESS into a MESSage;

a TEST into a TESTimony;

a TRIal into a TRIumph;

a VICtim into a VICTORY

                          — Unknown

It is so true. When we have a message, a testimony, a triumph, and a victory, we certainly have a story to tell that will speak to those that are still in a mess, a test, a trial or even feeling victimized.

We all hope to be in that place some day. We can hardly wait to get to the other side of our struggle so we can help others.

What we don’t realize is that EVERY mess that is cleaned up; EVERY test that we learned something from; EVERY trial that we came through; EVERY temptation that we gained victory over, is a story as well. An important story.

We don’t have to be perfect or “all healed” to have something worth saying—something that someone needs to hear. I appreciate every single person that shares their recovery journey through a blog, a book, or a conversation. They may not know everything yet. They may be far from being totally victorious,  but they are discovering new things every day. And . . .that tiny little lesson that they just learned may be exactly the puzzle piece that their brother or sister needs to be able to take another step in their own journey.

None of us have all the answers, but together God makes sure we have all the answers that we need.

“…so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God.” — 2 Corinthians 1:4b

Image courtesy of pakorn /

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