You Can Have a Better Life!

Have you ever felt like you’ve been dealt a particularly bad hand in the game of life and now you’re stuck with it?

If we haven’t exactly been handed a bed of roses, it’s easy to begin feeling like a victim. We may not even realize that we don’t have to just roll over and accept what seems to be  “our lot in life.” No matter how bad our current situation is, we still have the power to change the path we’re on by reaching out, risking, and making different choices.

I ran across an interesting quote on the internet the other day. I hope it speaks to you in the same way it did to me:

“Though NO ONE can go back and make a new start . . . ANYONE can start now and make a brand new ending.”     —Carl Bard

It’s so easy to become blind to our options. Sometimes it’s hard to even see that there is a way out of our predicament. We wallow and moan . . . and stay stuck. But the truth is, if we don’t like how things are going, we need to change SOMETHING. We can’t worry about everything that needs to be fixed. Trying to deal with too much all at once will be overwhelming and ineffectual. A smaller start generally brings more success.

Permanent change usually happens one day at a time, one step at a time.  Start by asking God to show you the very first baby-step you need to take that will begin to move you in a different direction than you are currently headed.

Is that step sharing your struggle with another human being? Is it searching out an appropriate counselor or group? Is it just getting honest with yourself about your inability to conquer whatever you’re facing all by yourself?

What is the first step YOU need to take to create a brand new ending for your life?

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