Will Your Wandering Thoughts Destroy You?

I remember, decades ago, being told in Driver’s Ed that “where your eyes go, the car will follow.” It may not be true once you’re a seasoned driver, but certainly is for “newbies” behind the wheel.

I don’t know why that old warning popped into my mind today, but it does remind me of something I DO know to be true:

“Where our head goes—our body will follow”


We don’t do anything that doesn’t start with a thought. Our thoughts become beliefs which then create emotions. Those emotions are what drives our behaviors. If we change our thinking, our behaviors will automatically change as well. I’m pretty sure this is why the Bible is so full of admonitions about our thoughts and attitudes.


God knows the power our thinking has to change the course of our whole life.

No matter where we look, thoughts are being planted in our minds. Our friends, politicians, even the nightly news warn us that dangers are coming at us from every angle.  . . the weather, the stock market, crime, ill-health.

The underlying message seems to be that it’s just a matter of time before we will be destroyed in one way or another. Focusing on these things, however, creates worry, sadness and fear. With a steady diet of negative thoughts, we will begin to believe that things are hopeless. We will then react accordingly.


When you take your wandering thoughts captive and look instead to the blessings that have been bestowed upon you with a attitude of gratitude, even the little bumps in life won’t affect you so dramatically. A mind that is set on the hope we have in Christ and His abundant promises, gravitates toward beliefs and feelings that build us up and create joy, serenity and peace even in our darkest hours.

“Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.”—Philippians 4:8


TODAY’S CHAT: What are you thinking today? Where are those thoughts leading you?



Image courtesy of franky242 at FreeDigitalPhotos.net


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