Porn: The Marriage Killer

I ran across a statistic this week that has been haunting me:

The American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers reports that 56% of divorces involve one party having an obsessive interest in pornographic websites.

This is not new information. It was originally brought to light nearly TEN years ago. And sadly, all indications are that this percentage has climbed even higher over the last decade. That’s nearly HALF A MILLION marriages being destroyed by pornography each year. Why are we not taking this more seriously?

Wake up, America! Pornography isn’t just a harmless leisure pastime. We can say all we want that “everybody does it.” We can try to rationalize that “at least it’s not an affair.” We can try to convince ourselves that it’s “no big deal.” But . . . it’s tearing our marriages and families apart.

And, each of those divorces create innumerable other struggles. How many children are now being bounced back and forth from Mom’s house to Dad’s house each week because porn split up their family? How many people’s standard of living has been dramatically reduced because of a porn-fed divorce? How many friends were lost? How much self-respect was destroyed? The list goes on and on.

But it doesn’t need to be that way. There is hope! There is healing. No matter how long, how much, or how destructive porn has been in your life, it is not too late to get the help you need to find freedom. You can take steps to make sure your marriage isn’t the next casualty of pornography.

“Though you have made me see troubles, many and bitter, you will restore my life again; from the depths of the earth you will again bring me up.” —Psalm 71:20

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