Don’t Let the Past Cheat You Out of Your Future

“You can’t re-write your past, but you can grab a clean sheet of paper and write your future.” — Unknown “But now, this is what the LORD says . . . .Forget the things that happened in the past. Do not keep thinking about them. I am about to do something new. It is…
4 Big Lies that Keep Us Stuck

Every one of us has a personal set of beliefs that have become the “laws” that rule our lives. The majority of these beliefs were already firmly-established by the time we started school. In fact, from our very first days on this earth, we began trying to figure out how this world works and how…
Finding “Happy Ever After”

Our book, Now Choose Life!, follows my husband’s thirty year battle with sexual addiction AND his journey to freedom. The first section of the book chronicles the escalation of his addiction. It’s very real, and provides a lot of insight into what makes a person vulnerable to addiction, but that part can, admittedly, get a…
The Gift of an Ear

When was the last time you felt really heard? Have you experienced a time when someone actually leaned into the conversation with their full attention, saw into your heart and understood your fears and frustrations? I hope you have, because it feels wonderful. All too often in today’s busy, noisy society we get only half…
The Living Dead

What a beautiful day in the Pacific Northwest! It’s still cool out, but the sun is brightening up the whole world. The primroses are blooming and the leaves are starting to pop out on the raspberry bushes. The calendar says its spring and, although a lot of the country wouldn’t agree, today really holds the…