The One Mistake That Will Destroy Your Life
If you think about it you can probably come up with a handful of things that you could DO that have the power to destroy life as you know it. Your list may include such “biggies” as grand larceny; killing someone, or having an affair. Fortunately for all of us, the vast majority of people…
Some Who Wander ARE Lost, Indeed!
Perhaps you remember the line from the poem J.R.R. Tolkien wrote in the The Lord of the Rings that stated “All that wander are not lost.” I’m sure there is some great truth in that statement. But . . . I also know that in some cases those who wander off ARE totally and undeniably…
Flipping the Switch to Freedom
Those who have been successful in finding freedom from sexual addiction sometimes talk about “when the switch was flipped.” They describe a process in their healing that enabled them to begin looking at their addictive behaviors in a totally different way. Most of them can’t really tell you how it happened, but they do remember…
New Support For Wives
Exciting news! We’ve just launched a brand new blog especially for the wives of those struggling with pornography, affairs and other sexual compulsions! HAVE YOU FELT ALONE? If you’re the wife or girlfriend of someone who struggles with sexual sin, it’s so hard to know who to talk to or how much you should say.…
5 Keys to Achieving the Impossible
Is there something in your life that seems impossible? Something so big, so hard, so ominous that you’re not sure how to even begin? You’ve looked at it from every angle, but it still seems insurmountable. That’s where I’ve been for the past several months. You might have noticed that my blog posts, that used…