I was cleaning out some papers this morning and ran across a handwritten note containing the following thoughts:
Fear is a bad habit that CAN be broken — choose trust not fear
GOD did not give us the spirit of fear
Fear is the PERCEPTION that everything is out of control
COURAGE is fear that says its prayers
EVERYONE will have fear – we cannot control the world – GOD CAN!
I don’t know where I got it. I don’t even know if they were all from one source or just a cluster of random thoughts I’d heard about fear, but wherever they came from, they are good reminders that even in the midst of feeling fearful we have choices about how we will let it affect us. Will we let it paralyze us? Will we run to God with it?
It is often said that 80-90 percent of what we fear will never really come to pass. If that’s true, we waste a LOT of energy on things that are not even reality. It keeps us from doing and being the person God intended us to be. It keeps us bound.
When God said “cast your cares on me” . . . that included our fears. Go to him, admit your fears, and ask him to carry them for you. I’ve, personally, found it amazing the difference that little step of surrender brings!
“God has not give us the spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.” —2 Timothy 1:7
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