Category Archives: Step 4: Risking, Growing & Finding Support

Tips on how to build a strong support network and why it’s essential

Side-stepping Discouragement and Depression

It’s easy to get discouraged. Life can be difficult—especially when we’re struggling to get free of an addiction or trying to make  significant changes or course corrections in our life. So much of our time seems to be spent in high-alert, trying not to follow old patterns, looking for healthier alternatives, attempting to deal with…

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Control, Anxiety and Relapse

Many of us decide early in life that we can’t count on other people. We come to the conclusion that we have to look out for ourselves. We work hard to discover ways to protect ourselves, avoid discomfort, and reward ourselves. In other words, we figure out, the best we can, ways to take control…

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The Secret to Surviving

We had our first snow of the season late last week. By the next day it had warmed up, the rain returned and it quickly melted away. As we drove to church Sunday, however, I noticed that after several days of intermittent rain showers, random “clumps” of snow still survived. It struck me that most…

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The Answers Wives Are Looking For

We’re excited to announce that our second book, When Sex Causes Heartbreak, has just been released and is now available on! Learning that someone you love is involved in sexual sin is heart-breaking and confusing. Even though an estimated 30-40% of Christian men struggle with some sort of sexual compulsion or addiction that is…

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Filling the Empty Places

There’s a war raging inside of many of us. We yearn to have intimate friends in our lives and yet we fear letting people get too close to us. We suspect that if they really knew us, they would reject us. It’s happened before. We’re afraid that if we let them know about our vulnerabilities…

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