Why Recovery? Benefits and truths of recovery
Are struggles with porn or other compulsive sexual behaviors society’s fault? Admittedly, much of our culture has become overtly sexual. The majority of television commercials are packed with sexual innuendos; most men’s health, body building, and even car magazines look like soft-core porn; and women seem to be flaunting shorter skirts, tighter tops and deeper…
Recovery sometimes seems so repetitive. It often feels like we are just rehashing the same old things over and over again. We yearn for something new and fresh. If you went through and read every post of this blog, you would definitely find a number of recurring themes. Among them are: “Sexual addiction is not…
Periodic slips and failures are not unusual, especially in early recovery. If you find yourself in that place, remember the 4 “R’s” of dealing with a relapse: RESIST wasting your time and energy telling yourself you’re a loser or a hopeless sinner. It’s not productive. On the other hand, don’t try to convince yourself that…
Addiction recovery (or life, for that matter) is full of fine lines. A little too much of a good thing can be harmful. We wrestle with how much is OK. Where is that line, anyway? Have we already crossed it without even realizing it? One of the most challenging balancing acts in recovery relates to…
Has anyone in authority ever told you, “if you didn’t know, you should have asked”? Say what???? I’ve always thought that was such a bizarre statement. If we don’t know something, we generally aren’t even aware that there IS a question to ask. We aren’t being stupid or devious, we just didn’t know that we…
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