It IS Possible!
Don’t let discouragement rob you There was a point in my husband’s recovery, where he had experienced a lot of healing and was, in general, doing VERY well. Most of the time he was enjoying a freedom he had not known for a very long time but, in spite of that, it seemed like…
Unraveling the Confusion
Do we REALLY have choices? Addiction seems full of contradictions. One of the most puzzling centers around the idea of choice. Do we still have the power to choose when we’re struggling with compulsive behaviors? The very definition of compulsion seems devoid of choice. The Merriman-Webster dictionary defines a compulsion as an IRRESISTABLE, PERSISTENT…
It Ain’t Over
Today doesn’t define tomorrow It’s just a few days into the new year and already it’s been rough for us. There are moments when it’s hard to resist giving up and labeling it “just another difficult year.” But, with more than 98% of the year left to unfold, it is way too soon to “call…
Avoiding Dangerous Territory
Relapse seldom “just happens.” It is important that we learn to recognize the environment and situations that have a tendency to lead us back toward our unwanted behaviors. One of the most common factors in relapse is isolation. Isolation isn’t just being alone. It‘s that feeling of being separated or disconnected from other people—that…
Spinning out of control
What an INSANE day! Two family emergencies added to an already full schedule. No time to blog . . . but I remembered this post, which first appeared in October 2010. Did you miss it? Secrets isolate you from God and others Most of us are familiar with the story of Adam and Eve .…