Anger Management?
Many of us feel angry . . . a lot. Anger feels powerful. Anger keeps people from messing with us. Anger helps us feel safe. Anger seems like an understandable and acceptable emotion — especially if you’re a man. A lot of us have grown up being told that you can’t trust feelings. Others have…
Welcome to our new look!
Yep! You ARE in the right place! We’ve been busy behind the scenes updating the blog. Initially we think you’ll find this new layout simply more visually pleasing and easier to navigate. We’ll be adding a number of other helpful features in the weeks and months to come. We invite you take a look at…
Not just 99.9% . . . but ALL!
“100% of our emotional pain comes from relationships.” I’ve mentioned that quote and the following concept before, but it is so essential to recovery that it deserves repeating. “It’s relationships that messed us up and it’s relationships that will heal us” – Michael Dye Creator of the Genesis Process for Relapse Prevention When our human…
What Exactly is Sexual Addiction?
Sexual addiction is one of the most misunderstood of all compulsions. Even many professionals do not understand the root and treatment of sexual addiction. Contrary to what it seems, sexual addiction is not really a thirst for sex at all . . . it is a thirst for God—for TRUE intimacy with the Creator AND…
Good Grief
The Process of Grieving In the last post we talked about the importance of grieving a loss thoroughly. Today we’ll talk more about the “How’s” of that process. Dr. Elizabeth Kubler-Ross, in her work with dying cancer patients, was the first to identify the stages of grief. Even though each person’s situation…