The Dawning of Freedom

Here in Washington State, this time of the year seems to have an extra dose of darkness. Not only are we nearing the shortest day of the  year—the one with the least daylight hours—but the rain clouds are perpetually blocking out most of the light we could still be enjoying. It’s cold, dark . .…

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Cure for a Messed Up Life

We’ve all made wrong choices. Our lives have taken us in directions we never anticipated or intended. It’s easy to start believing that we’ve strayed too far. We’ve screwed up too much. There’s nothing we can do to make it right. Today, as I stop to consider what I have to be thankful for,  I…

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How Will It All End?

My Dad has Alzheimer’s. Although he still recognizes us most days, his thoughts are a jumble, he can seldom find the right words to express himself, and his memory has major holes in it. Earlier this year it finally came to the point that we had to find long term care for him. At first,…

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A Killer Cover-up

Just this morning I downloaded the new upgrade for my internet browser. Upon opening this latest version I was greeted with the message that it now has a handy new  “forget” button you can put right in your main toolbar. With a couple of clicks you can erase your cookies, history and other details for…

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The Trouble with Secrets

You may have heard the popular recovery phrase, “We’re as sick as our secrets.” But, have you ever really thought about what it means? Secrets aren’t always big deals . . . like having a child out of wedlock or murdering your neighbor. Often they are little untruths, like saying you’re fine . . .…

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